Home Modifications

Home Modifications

The opportunity to modify and construct a safe home for our customers is one of our core objectives as a mobility aid and service specialist organisation. Caremax Mobility takes home safety seriously and we will strive to provide you with the most suitable modifications that you require to ensure a safe home environment. These home modifications include providing assistive technology or products, or creating structural changes to your home as required.

In addition to having in-house Physiotherapists that can conduct home safety assessments, we work closely with many Occupational Therapists that can conduct further in-depth assessments on your home requirements to recommend the right plan of action. Depending on what modifications are required, Caremax Mobility will arrange expert installation services and training in your home to ensure safety and independence.

Just some of our home modifications include:

  • Grab bars & rails throughout the home
  • Step wedges installed
  • Access Ramps
  • Furniture modifications to promote independence
  • Wheelchair & scooter access Ramps
  • Safety rails through home entry and exit
  • Widening doorways
  • Non-slip products for bathroom